CCW is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of conscience, opposes military conscription, and serves all conscientious objectors to war. CCW works to extend and defend the rights of conscientious objectors (COs) — those who oppose their participation in war, including members of the US military who, following a crisis of conscience, seek discharge as conscientious objectors. CCW also assists others who oppose their participation in war and the preparation for war, including youth required to register with Selective Service; individuals seeking US Citizenship who wish to take the alternative, nonviolent oath; and citizens of other countries facing mandatory military service. CCW opposes conscription, and, in the event of an active military draft, CCW will assist in the placement of conscientious objectors in alternative service programs, as we did in previous draft years.
CCW, formerly the National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors (NISBCO), founded in 1940, is a founding member of the G.I. Rights Hotline, a national referral and counseling service for military personnel.
Founded in 1940, the Center on Conscience & War works to extend and defend the rights of conscientious objectors to war. In pursuit of this mission, the Center provides the following services free of charge:
- Technical and community support for military conscientious objectors;
- Monitoring of Congress and Selective Service to extend and defend the rights of conscientious objectors;
- Support for COs who refuse to register for the draft;
- Counseling military personnel with accuracy and honesty through the GI Rights Hotline;
- Truth in military recruitment information;
- Workshops, training, and speakers on any of the above topics.
Policies and Practices:
CCW provides technical and community support to all those who conscientious object to their participation in war. This includes counseling members of the military, military-aged youth, immigrants to the US seeking citizenship, and their loved ones. We assist these individuals in crafting applications and statements of conscience; we attend hearings as witnesses and counsel; we review documents and prepare rebuttals; and we serve as liaisons and advocates for conscience in front of decision-making agents and bodies.
Identifying info:
Web: centeronconscience.org
Phone: 202-483-2220
Physical Address: 1830 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @CCW4COS
FB: Center on Conscience & War
Not for profit status: The Center on Conscience & War is a non-profit organization recognized under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.